Packing shoes for a trip can feel annoying - deciding which pairs to bring, making them fit etc. Here come the best tips for packing shoes for your travel.
Are you more a person who stays on campsites or prefers wild camping? Find out 5 tips about wild camping and how to make a pleasant experience.
Worldpackers is an online platform that connects 1,7 million travelers who are seeking volunteer work abroad experiences.
Many people use "money" as an excuse to not travel, but traveling doesn't have to be expensive! Check out those 5 tips on how to travel on a low budget.
I often get asked how I can afford to travel so much? The answer is simple! I share with you 6 easy tips on how everyone can finance their travels.
This year I went on my first cruise. I share my experiences, opinion and 5 things you need to know about travelling on a cruise.
Besides all negative facts, I would also like to stress out positive changes that low-budget airlines have brought to us and why I love them while others hate them.
I came up with possible reasons why people hesitate to travel. Those are often connected to personal fears. Time to face your fears during travelling.